Inspired by the 20th century and its elegance and glamour, the Art Deco style is resurging with radiating designs. The enigmatic blend of creative elements with cultural discoveries and machinery makes the design an epitome of luxury and functionality. Experience a mix of sophistication and elegance. The contrasting nature of various elements brings out their true beauty, and the details are fine-tuned to match the style. Nothing is ever out of place with Art Deco Design!


Facts & Figures



Art deco design is defined by a large range of materials. As elegance and boldness walk hand in hand, there is a generous use of gold and exotic skins along with wood and glass. Metallics are used to add style, including silver, chrome, ivory, and crystal. One can also find ebony, zebrawood, and marble making an entrance, along with lacquer, aluminum, and molded glass. The idea is to create a mesmerizing look with various personalities reminiscent of the booming wealth of the 20th century. 



Art Deco Design is dominated with light fixtures representative of a certain period. You may find modern lines and silhouettes, etched glass, elongated shapes, and even fanned-out outlines. Marked by the geometrical and symmetrical design, they add to the elegance of the overall structure and bring out the Great Gatsby-esque look that we aim to achieve!



Art Deco Design furniture is a testimony to the unique style! Size is an essential element, and a substantial-sized chair makes a common appearance, along with big sideboards and armouries. Even though the designs are large in scale, they lack frills or intricate detailing. Gold and chrome borders are used to accentuate the look whereas animal print and contemporary decor find an elegant space. Don't be surprised to find geometric and symmetrical designs, smooth lines, captivating designs, and Grecian key patterns.



The color scheme is evidently spread across various shades, ranging from soft to the bold ones. The most common ones are silver, black, and chrome, which can be very easily played with a number of other colors. The metallics are well suited with more bright and deep colors like red, green, and blues, whereas the more toned-down interior calls for softer shades such as cream and beige. Remember to stick to three colors in a room, ensuring that they complement and accentuate the various personalities of the design.



As geometric shapes and lines make a visible display in the art deco design, the flooring plan doesn't fall very far away from it. The most intrinsic element of art deco is the black and white chequered tiles. It not only enhances the overall look, but also adds a sense of space and depth to any ordinary place. Lacquered flooring and polished parquet flooring is also an option.


Process Flow

  • Ideate your Expectation
    • Get in touch with our designers and express your desired design look and budget
  • Design Conceptualization
    • Our team comes over to assess the space and area
    • The design team combines your idea with functionality to create a comfortable luxurious living
    • Witness the designs in 3D
  • Documentation
    • We take your review and approval before finalizing
    • 3D Design is concluded with fine details
    • Drawing documentation and estimate
  • Plan in Action
    • We carefully make a schedule to deliver your desired space on time
    • We carefully make a schedule to deliver your desired space on time
    • Receive designer assistance on decor and setup
    • Designs go through a quality check and are shipped to the new space
  • The Final Touch
    • We take your final review and opinion. 
    • Revision and Improvements are scheduled as per the feedback.
    • And the space is ready to be moved into!



Art Deco elements are characteristic of the 20th century of optimism and hope. It is dominated by a big style statement and flaunting pieces, and the art deco design of today calls for a blend between modern and luxurious styles. Geometric shapes and lines, triangular shapes, curves, and sunburst motifs are spread across the various elements of the Deco Design. 

The Art Deco colors are spread across a wide palette, dominated by silver, chrome, and black. The bold ones include yellow, red, green, blue, and pink, whereas the softer ones include cream and beiges. You can also opt for neutral colors that go well with polished wood and furniture. 

The pattern is very dominantly placed in the Art Deco Design. Patterns are, in fact, a key element in achieving a truly artistic look. These include leaves, branches, feathers, trapezoids, zigzags, nudes, sunbursts, and jagged, or even pointed edges. Patterns are usually added to the walls, ceiling, or floor, wherever it suits the overall aesthetic and furnishing. 

Opulent, Elegant, and Bold!

Experience the blend of worlds through our radiating style.

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